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Readme for the Livestream for Soldat 1.2b

:: Download: www.m0w.de/soldat/soldat1.2script.zip

first steps:
- unzip file (when you read this, you've done it already :))
- copy soldat12.mrc into your mircdir
- type '//load -rs soldat12.mrc' (or load it from the remote (alt+r))
(or copy the content of soldat.mrc and past it over the old version)
- the init-question should be answered with "yes" to load styles ;)

1. Choose your Soldat-Directory. Type the path or simply press "set" in te "Soldat-Directory"-box
2. Look, if you like the choosen style. when you don't like it, choose the style you want in the "load style" drop down and then press "load". Or make your own ;) (wanne infos? press the help-button)
3a. type next to "send" the mode you want to stream. 3b. type here the style (mirc-codes + prefix-symboles) of the console-log-output
4. optionally Type 2 playernames. to show the crowd who'll fight ;) (you also have to check the "show?"-box
5. choose if the script shall start soldat automatically. Also starting dedicated or joining directly is possible.
6. check if you want the script to set you away in irc (also type in the msg)
7. click start to start *g* ... if game is already running, check the box. Otherwise script won't work!
8. push the ©-Link.. read it and be proud if your name is there ;P

This script is ©`ed 2004 by Luke
Don't be Lame - leave the copyright note in it.

found bugs? have tips to make something better?
contact me at Luke@m0w.de or in #luke @ quakenet

have fun with this hot shit ;)
